Tuesday, December 30, 2014

State of Rite Publishing 2014

Lost in Dream 
Illustration by Jason Rainville

One of Our Best Years Ever!

This year really fought hard to be out best year ever but it was just impossible to surpass the success of the Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Kickstarter from 2013.  It was however still an amazing year.  

Here are some of our highlights:

We won an ENnie award our first ever for The Demolished Ones (FATE). I can’t say enough about the amazing folks who made this happen, but especially author Brian Engard.

We saw the Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (Diceless) product line surpass our 3rd Party Support for Pathfinder over all in terms of direct sales, as the core book has become a very powerful evergreen product for us.

The big geeky fanboy in me got to publish products by Matt Forbeck, Rob Donoghue, Cam Banks, and Andrew Peregrine further strengthening the Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (Diceless) product line.

Matt Banach not only introduced an amazing line of products with our Gossamer Worlds (Diceless) series, but also wrote our first novel (Lost in Dream), which we released this year.

We released Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Icon Deck with some amazing artwork, and had a successful Kickstarter for a second deck of NPC cards.

Just when I thought the 3rd Party Publisher Pathfinder Roleplaying Game market was slowing down In the Company of Dragons (PFRPG) by Wendall Roy comes along and blows away all my expectations.

1001 Spells (PFRPG) even 2 years later it is still our best selling product.

Book of Monster Templates (PFRPG) went platinum on DriveThruRpg, our only product to have done so.

Faces of the Tarnished Souk: An Npc Collection (PFRPG) our largest book ever, with over 300 pages, is in the proofreading stage and we are planning to start fulfillment to our Kickstarter backer’s next month.

We produced another 12 issues of our free Pathways e-zine, bringing us to a total of #45 issues so far.

We started a new product line the Rite Map Packs with cartography but the amazing Tommi Salama.

We continue to have amazing success with our Hero Lab product support (Thanks Andrew!).

We continue to be a part of the Bundle of Holding website and participated in two specials there this year of which I was quite pleased (Thanks Allen).

We branched out to support new product lines beyond PFRPG, FATE, and Diceless,  we introduced products for Dungeon World, 13th Age, and even 5th Edition using the OGL (in the same manner Goodman Game used for 4th and 5th edition support).

We are now playtesting the first Card Game we plan to publish!

We saw the fulfillment on 4 different Kickstarters, and the successful launch of two others, one of which is in proofing so we plan to start fulfillment next month.

Low Points:

But as anyone will tell you, one cannot have peaks without valleys, and while Rite Publishing’s victories far outnumber our failures we do have them, here they are:

Adventure Quarterly #6 (PFRPG): Although its very late, it is done, and it will release in January. The lesson I learned here is that we have certain bottlenecks in our production process, because I over rely on extremely talented people who always deliver. Then when they have an issue beyond their control such as a death in the family plus a medical issue, I wait to long to bring in a substitute to do the work while they are out. I won’t do that again, but I hope I don’t run into that kind of issue anytime son.

The Martial Arts Guidebook (PFRPG): the book that has taught me never to use IndieAGoGo for a Table Top Rpg  Crowdfunding project, it was an experiment and it failed and continued to fail. However it now has a finished and edited manuscript,  a mock layout has been done, along with a new trade dress, we will be sending out art descriptions to our lead artist next week and plan to release it in March/April of 2015.  This is our oldest project on the books, and one I want it off my plate

Questhaven Campaign Setting (PFRPG): my pet project saw only two major updates this year, this is entirely my fault as I  have spent too much time and too little time writing. So I have set up one day a week where I will be doing nothing but writing for this project, it is another one I want off my plate.

Kaidan Campaign Setting (PFRPG): I will never start a Kickstarter again without a finished manuscript. This project is overdue, but we now have laid out, and art orders made, we still have chapters though we are still awaiting some finished chapters from the lead author (I have written a chunk of one chapter myself), again this is my fault, and the fix is hiring freelancers to come in and assist the lead writer.

The Long Walk: Life Along the Grand Stair: I had hoped to have this big diceless adventure/supplement for folks to play out by now, but its in editing, and will be out by April/May 2015 so I am quite happy with it right now. 

Distribution: The collapse of our print/distribution partnership with Chronicle City, my failure to move right away into getting our books into the traditional distribution channels, something I plan to correct in the coming year.

My friend and colleague Joshua “KTFish7” Gullion of AdventureAWeek.com died. He was an awesome person who I miss talking to.

Personal Highs:

Did I mention my company won an ENnie award!?

For the third year in a row, I am living the dream, and get to do this as my day job!

The two packed seminars I gave at Gencon!

I got my work published in my favorite monster book the Advanced Bestiary (PFRPG) by Green Ronin Publishing!!!

While at GenCon this year I was hanging out with a fellow game designer/publisher who I am a fanboy fan of, and whom I consider not only a mentor but a personal friend, while walking back to our hotel he and his wife mentioned how proud they were of me, and what I have accomplished. Damn but this room is dusty!

Final Thoughts:

This year reminded me why I started Rite Publishing, because I was ticked off at other publishers for doing things wrong. I have learned many things since then, but I continue to strive to do right by our customers, our freelancers, and by myself. I am reminded every day of how lucky I am that I have a job I love and of how successful we are both critically and commercially. I love every time I get to talk to a freelancer, colleague, customer, reviewer, or fan. I even found a perverse joy in firing an unreasonable customer because it was the right thing to do.  

This year also reminded me of what I wanted Rite Publishing to become, and while I still have goals that I have yet to achieve (like a stable form of traditional distribution), I am very much where I wanted to be.

Thank all of you for helping me get here!

Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing

Monday, December 15, 2014

37 things Rite Publishing is working on.

Card Game
  1. Code Name: Erlking , in second playtesting phase, additional cards added, some cards updated 

  1. Lost in Dream a novel has been released.
13th Age Roleplaying Game
  1. The Breaking of Forstor Nagar  in layout.   
  2. 101 Mystical Site Qualities in conversion development
Fifth Edition Done Rite
  1. The Breaking of Forstor Nagar  in layout 
  1. The Demolished Ones: Fly in the Ointment  mock layout complete, waiting on art.
  2. Making The Demolished Ones available on Amazon.com

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow
  1. The Long Walk manuscript complete, in editing, art complete. Expected release March/April
  2. Addendum: Shapeshifting in development by Jason Durall. 
  3. Threats: Threshold Ghosts in development by Jason Durall
  4. No Beast So Fierce adventure by me, manuscript in playtesting/development, art is complete. Next stage after that will be using this to run my online game for backers
  5. Icon Deck: NPCs: Art Descriptions in development. 2 pieces assigned to artists.
  6. Gossamer & Shadow Adventure Path/Campaign Saga in development 
  7. Threats: Secrets of the Annunaki  in editing.
  8. Lucien’s Guide 3 in development by Rob Donoghue.
  9. Gossamer Worlds: The Black
  10. Gossamer Worlds in development by Clinton J. Boomer. 
  11. Gossamer Persona: Delayed in the Development Pass stage.
  12. Gossamer Worlds: Planet Fiction a 32 page full-color Print and PDF project in development.


  1. In the Company of Dragons: The Lost Isles (In Development).
  2. Pathways #46 assigned to writers.
  3. Adventure Quarterly #6 Coming in Jannuary.
  4. Faces of the Tarnished Souk: An NPC Collection  300+ pages in proofing, coming in March/April.
  5. Martial Arts Guidebook waiting on art, doing mock layout.  (print)
  6. Rite Map Pack: Regional Map (working title) by Tommi Salama in development.
  7. 101 Not So Random Encounters: Desert manuscript in development
  8. Summoner of the Jade Oath manuscript in development
  9. Kaidan Campaign Setting in mock layout, final chapters to be written, art orders being placed.
  10. The Secrets of The Divine: Death, Healing, Law, & Madness in development.  
  11. Questhaven Campaign Setting in development with me writing. 
  12. 1001 Magic Items mock layout complete, cover art complete, needs interior art
  13. Ultimate Monsters Hero Lab (Book of Monster templates, 101 not so simple monster templates, 101 Monster Feats, 101 Variant Monsters etc.) assigned to the Rite Coder.
  14. Book of Kaiju assigned to Riters
  15. 10 Wizard Magic Items releasing today.
  16. A print on demand version of Breaking of Forstor Nagar
  17. A print on demand version of Coliseum Morpheuon

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Game Mastering in 30 minutes or Less.

Game Mastering in 30 minutes or Less.
You worked 80 hours this week, you got sick, or you were just plain lazy, whatever the reason is, you have people who want to game, and they will be here in 30 minutes.  What do you do?

1.      Map It: You could do it with an overland map, a dungeon map, you are a GM I am sure you have some lying around. If not, I have some for sale. But for now let us keep it simple you can find one by browsing the Cartographer’s Guild, something you made while messing around with Campaign Cartographer, or maybe you loot it from Jonathan Roberts’ website. In my case, I am publisher so I get to use a map I commissioned and use it for something else so let us take the level 3 map of the Ruins Perilous.  

Now we are not going to have time to write a bunch of description for each room so we need to pick a theme that we can constantly build off, something that is constantly challenging your players, creating an environment tension. It could be that every surface is covered with some unique ooze, it could be an influx of chaos or wild magic permeates the area, perhaps it is just underwater and subject to strange currents and shifting tides. So for this case we will change the appearance of the dungeon, it will be underwater, in the arctic,  parts of the dungeon will be iced over, and there will be unpredictable currents and tides.

2.      Iconic Monsters: Don’t get crazy and hunt down the latest bestiary, these need to be monsters you know how to run already. Use good old standby monsters and adapt them to your environment.  You want your players to have a emotional reaction and you need to get the monsters together in less than 4 minutes. So we have a cold and underwater enviorment. Any Undead and/or Constructs, they don’t have a problem with underwater. Sharks of all sizes. Shapechanges, they can adapt to the environment. Gargoyles they are stone, don’t care about cold or water, Orca will scare them, they are worse than sharks. Trolls and Deep Ones because who does not love Cthulhu.  You can even bring back an old foe (see Don’t Explain It below).

3.      Make it Unique: You have a list of encounter locations, and a list of creatures to encounter, now take that list and make a short phrase about each encounter that makes it unique.  You don’t want it to just be a 10’x 10” room with a monster in it.  For example the Orca will be, awakened by a druid, uplifted by technology, or is from a world with intelligent killer whales, regardless it will be extremely intelligent and use extremely intelligent tactics. The big circular room in the center, its “floor” is covered in broken up ice sheets and there is a hole in the center. The currents cause it to spin. The Orca baits the area around the hole with bits of treasure frozen to the think ice pack (its an orca what use does it have for gold, it wants fresh meat), when it is time to fight it simply rams the thin ice and makes it very hard to get back to the doors.   Therefore, the note would be: Intelligent Orca, Broken up rotating ice floor with water underneath, hole in center, frozen treasure.

4.     Fudge It: Don’t be a slave to stats or dice, they are just a guideline, what you are looking for is a dramatic encounter something that is not long and not to short, when it is time for the villain to die have him die. Add hit points if you have to or increase/decrees the challenge as needed. The magic holding the undead creature together fails or is renewed. The contruct is malfunctioning but could get a surge of nananites to repair it. There are more sharks where that came from but they could feed on each other. The shapechanger has a one-winged angel form but its form couldbe unstable. Did you not see all the other stone statues they are gargoyles too, but perhaps they have grown brittle from too much time in salt water. The trolls and deep ones just keep coming, most of them panic at the very sight of fire. Therefore, the note for the orca could be: The Orca has a mate or has weak lungs and could easily suffocate underwater.

5.      Don’t Explain It: If someone asks you as the GM how did this place end up underwater, way-out in the middle of the arctic, say “Your character doesn’t know”. If they ask an NPC have that NPC give his opinion, state various theories, and let that NPC be completely wrong. Let the player characters put forth there theories.  If you hear the beginning of a theory you like, drop a clue to that effect to encourage it but never give them Word of God confirmation. The same can go for the old adversary you recycled for this adventure he is here looking for the McGuffin that will let him get revenge on the PCs, but when asked how did he survive being disintegrated and his ashes cast to the four winds, say “Your character doesn’t know.”  He might be his ghost simply animating his armor, or a shapeshifter mode locked and implanted with the memories of the PC’s adversary but the players don’t need to know that, and right now neither do you. Again let the PCs and NPCs put forth their own opinions and be wrong or write as the whim strikes you.  You can do the same thing with a the mysterious McGuffin, let the players lead you to what it is, the ultimate mystery magic item, or piece of indecipherable future tech. It’s a Rorschach blot, it only has the meaning the GM and PCs apply to it.

6.     Roleplay It: Have the NPCs ask the PCs questions, keep asking questions, get them talking. Before the PCs can leave on the adventure they get invited to a dinner party where all the major NPCs of the region will be attending because everyone loves the inn keeper so much, they will even put aside hated feuds. If the PCs attack someone the whole dinner party defeats them, and they have offended everyone.  Do you have a questionnaire for PCs? Let different NPCs ask questions from it. Are the PCs famous perhaps a Bard or a Report tries to ask them questions as they travel?

7.      Impersonate Someone: So you need an Npc for the PCs to interact with, and you can’t come up with one. Do an impersonation of someone your players don’t know. Players might recognize you impersonating your best friend (who is sitting there at the table) but do they know your grandmother, your boss at work, or even that special someone you had a crush on in school?  I love impersonating my mother to folks who never got to know her.  Imagine a hunchbacked bespectacled woman with curly brown hair at an Inn who takes care of your every need, treats you like her own children, never asks you for anything, but is constantly talking about her friend’s spouse who was checking out the report of a suspicious occurrence that sounds like your PCs nemesis. Moreover, when the PCs go to find out more, she does not want them to be bothered, and will not discuss it anymore until after dinner as she has work to do. She then invites the aforementioned friend, whose spouse is missing, to dinner.

8.     Puzzle It: I have a big book of riddles sitting on my shelf right next to big book of puzzles, you can also use an internet search engine to find a near infinite number of riddles.  Or pull out a puzzle game like Jenga (find the specially marked piece), Mastermind (for every wrong answer X happens), or Chess (sacrifice pieces sacrifice PCs).  Perhaps the Ghoul did it, the pleasures of the flesh don’t matter anymore, but pleasures of the mind do; or maybe one of the monsters hoards riddles and puzzles like a dragon hoards treasure, or perhaps it is just a riddle that is the clue to the password or magic word like “Open Sesame” or “1234”. Modern and future games make this fun if the riddle is two personal pieces of information you need to know about the original inhabitant. “What is the name of your first pet? What is your mother’s maiden name? The PCs then have to do research or talk to Npcs; the undead creature might know stuff about the places creator, and that painting we saw might have his pet's name. 

If all else fails have someone come to the dungeon to hunt the PCs down. Hey it's that Nemisis again. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

In the Company of Dragons Sales First 90 days.

1st 90 Days. 

Release date August 1st to November 1st. Price $5.99
DrivethruRpg/RpgNow --------232, ----Gross Sales $1,389.98
Paizo ------------------------------ 132, ----Gross sales $593.01
d20pfsrd.com--------------------- 125, -----Gross sales $744.80

Current Total Sales ------------489,-----Gross Sales  $2929.11

Here is  the first 90 days, I am very pleasantly surprised by d20PFSRD Store's performance.

This will be the last update I do about sales for this product. 

We are already working on In The Company of Dragons: The Lost Isles as a sequel.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Preview 10 Paladin Magic Items: Bracers of Heroic Deeds

Illustration by Toni Justamante Jacobs

A preview of 10 Paladin Magic Items coming in November.

Bracers of Heroic Deeds
Aura Moderate (transmutation); CL 11th;
Slot wrists; Price 140 gp (lesser), 1,260 gp (standard), 3,500 gp (greater); Weight

These bright steel bracers have embossed images of famous acts of heroism from throughout history. 

The wearer of these bracers gains a number of abilities based on what version of the bracers the paladin possess, the greater the versions of the bracers possess all the abilities of the lesser versions.

·        Lesser:  Once per day if there is a non-opponent within your range of a move action who is about to fall, she can move as an immediate action and grab hold of that ally and attempt to stop his fall. If the character weighs more than the paladin’s maximum load a Strength check is required (subject to GM adjudication), the paladin  gains a +2 sacred bonus to the Strength check.  You provoke attacks of opportunity for this  movement. When this ability is used the paladin loses its move action on the following turn as if she had moved to her current position. 
·        Standard:  Once per day as an immediate action the paladin instantly exchanges locations with an injured or helpless creature that is not an opponent (it does not need to be an ally) within 500 ft. that she has line of sight with. The paladin can bring along unattended objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed her maximum load. The paladin may also bring her bonded mount (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load). The paladin and the bonded mount to be transported must be in contact with one another.
·        Greater:  Once per day the paladin with these bracers opens up a brief but powerful divine conduit between herself and any 10 creatures she chooses within 50 ft. When a creature in range is hit by an attack or fails a saving throw, you can activate this item and the wounds and/or effects are magically transmitted to the paladin instead of the target. The paladin is affected as if she were hit by the attack or subject to the effect, she applies all her defenses including AC DR, immunities, resistances, saving throws, SR, tec. otherwise she suffers the damage and adverse effects. You can use this ability against an effect that also targets the wearer or includes her in its area; she suffers the effects for herself and the targets she spared, potentially taking damage or suffering other consequences multiple times.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, greater heroism  Cost  70 gp (lesser), 630 gp (standard), 1,750 gp (greater);

Some rights reserved. The illustration is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

35 Things Rite Publishing is working on.

Card Game
  1. Code Name: Erlking , preparing to print professional playtesting set. Has been thoroughly play-tested by the designer.

  1. Lost in Dream a novel: applying proofing corrections.

13th Age Roleplaying Game
  1. The Breaking of Forstor Nagar conversion in progress.  

Fifth Edition Done Rite
  1. Monster Templates: Headless Horseman (5E) is now available for sale.
  2. The Breaking of Forstor Nagar conversion in progress.  

  1. The Demolished Ones: Fly in the Ointment  in editing.

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow
  1. The Long Walk manuscript complete, in editing, art complete. Expected release March/April
  2. Addendum: Shapeshifting in development by Jason Durall. 
  3. Threats: Threshold Ghosts in development by Jason Durall
  4. No Beast So Fierce adventure by me, manuscript in playtesting/development, art is complete. Next stage after that will be using this to run my online game for backers
  5. Icon Deck: NPCs & Icon Deck : More Characters Kickstarter going on Now!
  6. Gossamer & Shadow Adventure Path/Campaign Saga in development 
  7. Threats: Annunaki 2nd draft complete working toward final draft.. 
  8. Lucien’s Guide 3 in development by Rob Donoghue.
  9. Gossamer Worlds: Aethersaur Island , art complete, written by Matt Banach. 
  10. Gossamer Worlds in development by Clinton J. Boomer. 
  11. Gossamer Persona: Compilationtion of Mark Knights Npcs both full-color print and PDF product. PDF will be Pay What You Want since the Npcs are available for free on Mark's website.  Jason Durall and Kit Kindred are doing a development pass which will go back to mark for a final draft and then on to editing.
  12. Gossamer Worlds: Planet Fiction a 32 page full-color Print and PDF project I have sent out an email to the writer I want, waiting on word back if he is available.


  1. The Secrets of the Divine 2  manuscript complete,  commissioned art by Jacob Blackmon. Coming Dec 2014 or sooner.
  2. In the Company of Dragons: The Lost Isles (In Development).
  3. Pathways #44 assigned to writers.
  4. Adventure Quarterly #6 Mock Layout Complete, waiting on art.
  5. Faces of the Tarnished Souk Kickstarter waiting on art.
  6. Martial Arts Guidebook waiting on art, manuscript finished and edited. (print)
  7. Rite Map Pack: Regional Map (working title) by Tommi Salama in development.
  8. 101 Not So Random Encounters: Desert manuscript in development
  9. Summoner of the Jade Oath manuscript in development
  10. Kaidan Campaign Setting in mock layout, final chapters to be written, writing up art descriptions.
  11. Questhaven Campaign Setting in development with me writing. 
  12. 1001 Magic Items mock layout complete, cover art complete, needs art
  13. In the Company of Monsters Hero Lab  now available for sale.
  14. Ultimate Monsters Hero Lab (Book of Monster templates, 101 not so simple monster templates, 101 Monster Feats, 101 Variant Monsters etc.) assigned to the Rite Coder.
  15. Perrim’s Spellbook Magus Spellcards in development.
  16. Book of Kaiju assigned to Riters
  17. 10 Paladin Magic Items assigned to a Riter.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Designing in Public: No Beast So Fierce,

This is a raw design of a sandbox location in the ruined city of Nō, on the alternate high-tech earth world known as Fierce. If you plan to play in the adventure for Lords of Gossamer & Shadow  No Beast So Fierce (Diceless), I suggest not reading this post. 

The Parallax:

There is a large neon blinking sign pointing down to what appears to be a set of stairs leading underground with a large heavy steel door at the bottom right hand side. The door is locked.

Within you find a black light lit nightclub playing music from the late 90s with leopard print carpet with neon colored walls. There is a sunk in dance floor,  with leather neon couches along its edges, a large wine cellar behind glass as well as a humidifier for cigars (bottles and boxes are missing, haven been taken by Sota-sama, and a number of virtual holographic computer consoles, there is also a fully stocked glass bar along the western wall. Around the room near the ceiling along the outer walls is a cylindrical aquarium that leads out to the southern wall, which made entirely of glass and apparently opens out to an underground lake. In two separate rooms are a pocket billiards table and a holographic entertainment system.    

The electronic ink image of Sota-sama, who appears to be injured, will tell non-cyber-naki who reach the bottom of the steps: “Welcome to what was either the world’s greatest nightclub or the worlds tackiest, I am not sure I have too much nostalgia for the place to have an objective opinion. You will find some good wine and cigars here. The Cyber-Naki avoided the Parallax for the last month due to chance of attracting the attention of Phoros.” 

Psyche: A ranked PC will get a sense that there is something off about this location. The highest ranked PC will detect an unusually disturbance to the interaction of Eidolon and Umbra.

Perceiving the Umbra: Anyone using this ability will sense a strong flow of umbra flowing down the stairs, and through this room into the underground lake (eventually reaching Phoros).

– – – – – –
The umbra kaiju known as Phoros will be attracted by any use of Eidolon in the club

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Improvisational Preperation: Quick Name List

Quick Name List

Sometimes you just need a name on the fly, so have some name lists ready for people the Player Characters are likely to talk to. Keep them serious and say these names aloud so that you do not sound like an idiot when you use it in your game, and do not be afraid to use common names, and the names of the subject’s occupation. Consistency goes a long way; you are not trying to pick the perfect name for your antagonist, your naming the stable boy the PCs will talk to for less than a minute, so David Steed is a functional. Moreover, having someone yell out “Steed!”, and having someone bring your horse fits.

My three personal favorite name lists on the fly are Gary Gygax’s Extraordinary Book of Names by Troll Lord Games, Owen K.C. Stephen’s By Any Other Name articles for Dragon Magazine, and my spam folder. So take a few minutes and jot down 10 names you think will be useful in your next gaming session and update it each time and keep it handy. For those of you who might play in the Questhaven Campaign Setting here are some name lists from my home game. If you are doing a more traditional game, you are going to want to have the local human regional names, elven, dwarven, gnomish, and halfling names. You also might need some names for your bad guys so having something ready for them as well.  

Questhaven Human Names:
  • Male: Amren Bailey, Bryn Baker, Cadoc Carter, Dallwyr Chapman, Elwyn Clerk, Garym Cook, Hywel Cooper, Kynwyl Fisher, Mabon Hunter, Olwydd Knight,
  • Female: Cordula Marshall, Eira Miller, Flamina Parker, Gwendolyn Smith, Hafwen Taylor, Lynwen Turner, MabynWalker, Nona Warden, Rhianwen Weaver, Sirona Wright

10 Wyrd Names 
  •  Male: Evmah Wandering Moon, Fior Obsidian Heart, Lueti Unfettered Sky, Niman Unconquered Sun, Raervia Iron Soul, 
  • Female: Dirzala Undefeated Horizon, Haelstin Glorious Horizon, Maydra Running Cloud, Sinwiira Tiumphal Sunrise, Ulviiryl Towering Heavens

10 Jotun Names (Clan Yrr of the Jotun Tribe)
  • Male: Hallkell “Oldspear” Gautrson,  Jörundr “Keenforge” Ivarrson, Karl “Alehavoc” Márson, Njáll “Bitterwind” Örnson, Steinarr “Grimaxe” Bergrson 
  • Female: Arndís “Stonestalker” Birnadottier, Dagny “Meadwife” Elínadottier, Finna “Firewright” Guthnydottir, Halla “Oresage” Mjölldottir, Sinn “Haphall” Svanadottier

10 Gargoyle Names (Child of Kurvik, of the line of Kavu)
  • Apaxut Obsidiancast, Dalanc Tuffmask, Eidon The Trapper, Gareld The Bounty Hunter, Itaxur The Watchman, Kurvik The Seeker, Otuvar Granitemug, Poxi The Dilettante, Rorkar The Herald, Tu Wehrlite

10 Lurker Names
  • Darqueweaver, Z, Demoness, Maskurade, Myst, Master Shade, 624, The Bad Samaritan, Shardwolf, Vengance,

10 Ironborn Names
  • Conflate, Diaphanous, Fetching, Harbinger, Mellifluous, Nemesis, Ravel, Sempiternal, Ripple, Woebegone

10 Wretch Names (Blood of Steel Crag)
  • Augzog, Bakhyash, Bruzumsh, Dragbaz, Gokhtrog, Gorshak, Grathag, Hakkskar, Molknar, Stulgrogg,

Online Quick Name Generators Resources
·        Squid
·        Seventh Sanctum Names

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I Cried To Dream Again

How to run two adventures at the same time and totally screw with your players. An idea looted from 
Ravenloft II: House on Gryphon HIll by Tracy and Laura Hickman

Do you have to adventures you want to run but only one group? Well it is time to mind screw your players by running them both! These adventures can be on different worlds, or perhaps separated by different epochs, you can cause them to be mystically linked to each other though the Player Characters.

The way PCs cross this bridge is through the strange and mystical delirium episodes they suffer. When struck down by this ailment, the PCs awake to find themselves in a different land, faced by new challenges. Your players may begin in the 1st adventure, fall into a fever, and awake to find themselves in the 2nd! Then, after adventuring for a time, they suffer a relapse and regain their senses in the 1st adventure. There, a Non-Player Character tells them how they lay in a coma for several hours, babbling and murmuring. But, when they once again return to the 2nd adventure, a different frightened NPC there tells them the same thing! The PCs will never know which world is the dream and which real.

That is one of the decisions you as GM must make. You may make one of three choices. That the 1st adventure is real and the 2nd adventure is a fevered dream; that the 2nd adventure is real and the 1st adventure is not; or that both adventures are parallel and equally real (this is the one I recommend. In the dream world, the normal rules still apply. However, I recommend a linked villain that must be defeated in both adventures, if the characters defeat the villain; it will have no effect on the other adventure and vice versa. If the villain is not defeated in both worlds, he will rise from the dead or have fled to another form when the PCs return. However, if both worlds are real, then the villain, like the PCs is crossing back and forth. If he is defeated in one world, he is defeated in both. This gives the PCs more opportunities to defeat him. It also gives him more opportunities to defeat them, too!

While in either world, the PCs can suffer damage and die. However just like the villain, if you have to die in both worlds to suffer a permanent death. Otherwise, upon entering the adventure where the PC died, the PC is alive and well. Hit points lost are regained each time the PCs move from one adventure to the other. The time spent in a fever does count as rest, thus characters can regain spells and abilities, plus heal other damage normally. Items gained in one world will not be transferred to the other, with the exception of the character’s starting equipment.

Monday, October 13, 2014

35 Things Rite Publishing is working on.

  1. Lost in Dream a novel: softcover printing copy approved, hardcover printing proof ordered.

13th Age Roleplaying Game
  1. 101 Not So Simple Monster Templates on sale now!

5E Done Rite
  1. Looking for a freelancer to do some conversions (open call)
  2. Accepting pitches from freelancers who have done work for us before.

  1. The Demolished Ones: Fly in the Ointment  in editing.

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow
  1. The Long Walk manuscript complete, in editing, art complete. Expected release March/April
  2. Addendum: Shapeshifting assigned to a Riter. 
  3. No Beast So Fierce adventure by me, manuscript in playtesting, art is complete. Next stage after that will be using this to run my online game for backers
  4. Icon Deck 2: 42 pieces completed need to commission 10 more (possible Kickstarter)
  5. Gossamer & Shadow Adventure Path/Campaign Saga in development 
  6. Threats: Annunaki assigned to a Riter, manuscript in developement. 
  7. Lucien’s Guide 3 planning stage.
  8. Gossamer Worlds # 9, assigned to Riter. 
  9. Gossamer Worlds #10, assigned to Riter. 
  10. Gossamer Worlds #11 assigned to Riter. 
  11. Npc Codex (working title): This will be  a compilation of Mark Knights Npcs that he wrote up, it will be both full-color print and PDF product. The PDF may be Pay What You Want since the Npcs are available for free on Mark's website. The manuscript and art is complete, we just need a development pass on this which I really want Kit or Perry, and then off to editing if no revisions are needed.
  12. Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Fiction?  Novel or Anthology, don’t know yet?
  13. Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Besitary? (possible Kickstarter)

  1. The Secrets of the Divine 2  needs final development pass before going to the Editor
  2. In the Company of Dragons: The Lost Isles (In Development).
  3. Pathways #44 assigned to writers.
  4. Adventure Quarterly #6 Mock Layout Complete, waiting on art.
  5. Faces of the Tarnished Souk Kickstarter waiting on art.
  6. Martial Arts Guidebook waiting on art, manuscript finished and edited. (print)
  7. Rite Map Pack: Regional Map (working title) by Tommi Salama in development.
  8. 101 Not So Random Encounters: Desert manuscript in development
  9. Summoner of the Jade Oath manuscript in development
  10. The Haunted Quarter assigned to a Riter
  11. Kaidan Campaign Setting in mock layout, final chapters to be written, writing up art descriptions.
  12. Questhaven Campaign Setting in development with me writing. 
  13. 1001 Magic Items mock layout complete, cover art complete, needs art
  14. In the Company of Monsters Hero Lab  coding assigned to the Rite Coder (nearing completion)
  15. Ultimate Monsters Hero Lab (Book of Monster templates, 101 not so simple monster templates, 101 Monster Feats, 101 Variant Monsters etc.) assigned to the Rite Coder.
  16. Perrim’s Spellbook Magus Spellcards in development.
  17. Book of Kaiju assigned to Riters

Thursday, October 9, 2014

In The Company of Dragons Sales Numbers Day 30

1st Thirty Days. 

Release date August 1st to August 30th. Price $5.99
DrivethruRpg/RpgNow --------201, ----Gross Sales $778.70
Paizo ------------------------------ 81, ----Gross sales $485.19
d20pfsrd.com--------------------- 54, -----Gross sales $323.46

Current Total Sales ------------336,-----Gross Sales  $2012.64

Sorry this is so late, It just got pushed to the back of the Que, I hope to be more on target when I do the first 90 days, I was surprised thought that this product never made the front page of Paizo though its been in the top 10 of downloads from other companies for a while now and just started slipping last week. 

I have been pleasantly pleased by the sales at d20pfsrd.com, which I attribute to widgets and putting up two major pieces of content on the srd itself, plus the front page ad we pay for.

We are already working on In The Company of Dragons: The Lost Isles as a sequel.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

101 Not So Simple Monster Templates (13th Age) Preview: Bloodshackle Creature (lvl +1)

Bloodshackle Satyr

Illustration by  Taregh D. Saber

Bloodshackle Creature (lvl +1)

This creature can gain utter control over a creature via a special ceremony involving the creature's blood.

Blood Domination: This process involves an hour long ceremony, in which the victim must be helpless. First, the bloodshackle creature cuts the victim and allows a small amount of blood to drop onto her (usually into the creature’s palm, paw, tentacle, or pseudopod). It then proceeds with a ceremony of uninterrupted meditation nearby the helpless victim, creating a magical bond between itself and the target. From now on, bloodshackle creature may, at will, issue telepathic orders or borrow senses within 25 miles. The victim enacts these orders to the best of their ability.

Breaking the Blood Domination: The bond may be broken in several ways: through sheer will the victim is allowed to resist orders that are obviously self-destructive or force the victim to act against their strongest convictions, friends or kin; by use of a ritual magic targeted specifically to undo effects of Blood Domination, act of will by the dominator, death of the controller or intervention of an icon. The victim is granted four hard saves (16+) made over the course of the attempt to break free, and must succeed at one to throw the control for one day, and two to break it for good (obviously, the death of the controller requires no saves).

In each case when their control is contested and as long as they are aware of the contest, the bloodshackle creature may attempt to re-establish control for a round by making a successful attack vs. MD of the victim and force it to perform a single action. This particular action cannot be resisted.

The Blood Noise: Controlling too many subjects causes the bloodshackle creature severe discomfort due to constant buzz of incoming bits and pieces of thoughts. Therefore bloodshackle creatures of adventurer tier control only a handful, while Champion tiers take over most important individuals in an organization, and only the Epic tier controllers can take over small societies. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

No Beast So Fierce Playtest (Uther's Diary and Sturm's Log part 1)


Uther's Diary 

Dear Diary,

Gods that sounds awful.  Still, I've got to start somehow, and since this is only intended for myself than it's as good a start as any, I suppose.  I'm writing this more to try to set my thoughts in order than for posterity, than to win any literary awards.  Hell, I'll probably be mortally embarrassed if anyone else should happen to actually read it.


I've been in combat before.  In my time first traveling and learning about the stair with Ilsa we had more hairy encounters than I like to think about.  Mostly though they were things or situations we simply blundered into, and our primary thought was to extricate ourselves while we were still mostly intact.  Our technique has improved over time, but stepping through unknown doors still involves a great deal of risk.

Today was different.  Today I elected to boldly go into harm's way.  (Hmm.  I think I split an infinitive there.  I wonder if the stair translates bad grammar into whatever language the locals speak, assuming they even have something resembling grammar.  I wonder how I'd even find out.  I wonder if linguists go crazy not being able to actually listen to the local language.  Something to worry about another day.)

Four years at one of Drake's academies has taught me a lot, although I suspect Ilsa would still put me in the category of someone who 'knows enough to be dangerous to himself.'  I can't say that real world experience has led me to disagree with this.  I think my attitude going in was this would be like another training exercise I could breeze through with a minimum of forethought and planning.  I was wrong.

Instead of going in as a unit, we waltzed in as a gang of individuals, with no clear concept of leadership or plan of attack.  The unknown nature of the threat encouraged this somewhat, but we still should have made some assessment of our various abilities and assessed potential individual vulnerabilities and planned how to compensate.

Equipment was another example of short sighted planning.  I know I simply picked up a plasma rifle so I could blow away some bad guys, depending on my own personal armor to protect me.  No one gave any thought to equipping everyone with communications gear, enhanced vision equipment, or simple body armor for those who had no protection of their own.  I know I didn't pack an medical field kit, again relying on my own personal armor and not considering the rest of the team.  Again, despite all our academy training, we're still thinking and acting as individuals.

I'm not sure if talking the mission over with Uncle Cedric beforehand would have helped with any of this.  I believe there are some lessons which can only really be learned though experience, particularly lessons learned from making mistakes.  The trick is to survive those mistakes, and if this mission ends really badly I don't want one of my mistakes to have been involving my uncle in the planning for a mission which was only a technicality away from a direct breech of Drake's orders.  I owe him that much.

The exit through the door could have gone better.  Sturm, as expected, charged through and engaged their heavy hitter.  Lacking any Gossamer effecting ability I broke off to the side and started distracting as much of the remaining opposition as I could.  They were obliging enough to follow, and I danced the dance with them, using their tendency to ignore ordinance littering the field from an earlier battle to inflict damage on them from the sides and back while their defenses were focussed forward to ward attack from my plasma rifle.  I was slightly surprised that I didn't get any support against these guys, but it turned out I didn't really need it and the others were mostly working to determine the nature of the opposition, which was a major reason for our coming here in the first place.

By this time a large wall had been erected between us and the large number of hostile reinforcements en-route.  The legionnaires who had been fighting near the door when we came though had abandoned their mecha and attempted to flee through the door once they became aware of us not knowing the door had been sealed immediately after we came through.  It was a fatal mistake on their part, not to mention our loosing a chance at gaining local intelligence.  I hate to think the kind of hell they must have been living through to risk their lives on such a slim hope of escape.

Sturm and the others were still engaged with their heavy hitter, leaving it to me to arrange our own departure plans before the enemy reinforcements arrived.  Focussing my thoughts through Falmorath I molded Gossamer, turning the drone (now minus the Icon and associated apparatus) into a conveyance capable of carrying the lot of us out of the immediate vicinity of the door.  The overloaded vehicle wasn't going to be able to reach any great altitude, but I intended flying nap-of-the-earth to stay out of line of sight of the approaching enemy anyway.  By now everyone else was ready to go, the enemy heavy hitter was now busy firing at the rest of the enemy reinforcements and effectively covering our retreat.  Along with the mecha this turned out to be another potential intelligence asset lost, although I'm not sure how we could have brought any of them with us.

Our destination was a place of power located out of sight to the south of the door.  It turned out to be a temple dedicated to a great Master of the Stair whose design and layout reflected some of the tracery of the eidolon.  A recorded tourist greeting has been hacked by Soma-sota to inform visitors that the enemy will not attack the temple, although if silence is not maintained inside they will send troops to deal with the desecrators.  We split up.  I stay outside and scan the structure for any Doors while some of the others go inside.  A wave of over-pressure warns of the imminent arrival of a cruise missile.  We bolt inside the temple, barely ahead of a blast which disintegrates everything outside the temple walls.  Another almost fatal bit of arrogance on our part, assuming the opposition didn't know where we had gone and weren't going to bother dealing with us.

Mena has been in touch with Baudemagus via his icon.  He thanked us for the intelligence we gave him so far and suggested getting in touch with the Soma-sota's forces via the communications gear of legionnaires who had been fighting by the door.  That would be in the mecha we abandoned.  Or in the drone left just outside the temple and now destroyed.

Cyra manages to put together a spell and retrieves the mecha.  Over the emergency channel we're receiving a message from a prisoner, the head of the unit which had been fighting by the gate when we arrived.  Stored in the mecha is an emergency rescue plan in case anyone is stupid enough to try to rescue a prisoner from the enemy stronghold.  Stored in the mecha which the enemy has had the access and time to compromise.  The enemy has taken no noticeable action against us since destroying our one piece of uncompromised local communications gear.  The situation has trap written all over it, yet this prisoner may be essential to successfully completing our mission, and the clock is ticking.

We've been lucky so far.  If we don't get better coordinated soon, that luck may run out.

Sturm's Log

The Team:
·       Oberleutnant Sturm von Krieg the warrior (Joab)
·       William Edwalton the scientist (Greg)
·       Jane Edwalton the explorer (Jenna)
·       Mena the traveler (Steph)
·       Uther the gatherer (Dave)
·       Cyra the sorceress (Mike)
·       Assieh the demi-goddess (Miranda)

Session 1:  9/21/2014
·       Baudemagus, the Legate of the 150th Legion, appeared at the academy in Area 51, Nevada.
·       The world of Fierce was a low-magic party world for the lords of Gossamer.  Advanced tech existed on Fierce that did not work on other worlds.  And there was no tradition of sorcery and magic on Fierce.
·       A year ago, Eidolon powered cyber soldiers appeared and attacked the inhabitants.
·       Soto-sama, commander of one of Drake's legions and a Fierce native, and her legion engaged the Cyber-Naki to stop the genocide.
·       Drake ordered the world abandoned.  Soto-sama refused to leave, and her 1st cohort, the First Fangs, stayed and were sealed in.  The last communication was that they were attempting to leave, but they never arrived.
·       Drake ordered the door sealed and declared Soto-sama and her legion as traitors.  No further news was heard from Fierce.
·       Yesterday, Soto-sama's legate, Baudemagus, received a message from Soto-sama that the evacuation was a disaster.
·       Since he is forbidden from sending Legionnaires to investigate, he has recruited eight gifted academy seniors to do a recon as they are not yet members of a legion.
·       This is all the information that Baudemagus has. 
·       He gave them each Soto-sama's icon, one of his own, and maps of Fierce.

Baudemagus asked them some questions:
·       What were you before joining the academy?
·       Asiah was advisor to the pharoah of her realm.  Uther was gathering information of the previous Gossamer war.
·       William was a fellow of the Royal Society (scientist).
·       Jane was also a fellow of the Royal Society (explorer).
·       Cyra was a hacker/sorceress.
·       Sturm has been a soldier from birth.
·       Mena was a traveller.
·       Goals?
·       Mena - hone skills
·       Stum - glory for the red
·       Cyra - root the universe
·       Jane - knowledge
·       William - science!
·       Uther - gathering specific information for a patron
·       Assieh - improve the lot of her people
·       Where did you come from?
·       Mena - does not talk about it
·       Sturm - the death world of Krieg
·       Cyra - the Mars colony of a future high-tech Earth
·       Jane - start of enlightment alternate Earth
·       William - start of enlightment alternate Earth
·       Uther - an alternate 1920's Earth
·       Assieh - Calashar, the home of the aliens who actually did visit the ancient Egyptians

·       Mena, Assieh and Sturm raided the academy weapons locker to sign out training weapons.  They acquired full body armor, plasma rifles, two-handed swords, combat knives, and a hover gunship armed with missles and plasma cannons.
·       Mena informed her home mentor to inform him of her assignment.  He said it was an excellent opportunity.
·       Cyra informed her parents.  Cyra's mother has been to Fierce before.  She said it was similar to the training Earth.  There was a meteor strike that introduced metallic hydrogen, which was the key their advanced technology.  She had heard about cybernetic soldiers, but they were not new to Fierce.  However, those soldiers were not powered by the Eidolon.  These cyber-soldiers could probably operate on the stair, and she is glad that someone is being sent to investigate because she thinks Drake's plan of isolation is misguided.  She wants to know how they were empowered by the Eidolon and why they are called the Cyber-Naki.
·       Jane learned that the door is in the northwest corner of the island housing city of No, which is the site where the meteor fell millenia ago.  The door is all that remains following the endless fighting between the Cyber-Naki and the defenders.
·       Soto-sana was holding the door as a means of escape, but there is no indication that the Cyber-Naki have every tried to go through the door.

·                 They headed for the door, past eight other doors on that side:  Broke World, Imperia, Nightmare Kingdom, Tetsugen Shogunate, Stratospheria, Verse Arcanum, Ossuary Empire, and Nexopolis.  The door to Fierce is next.  The door beyond fierce is Finisterrae, the last battlefield, also known as the Last Earth.  No living soul of that world remains along with soldiers from a thousand other worlds, as well as the remains of their Dwimmerlaik foes.
·                 They left the gunship behind.
·                 Uther, Jane and Cyra all got impressions from the door.  They got a sense of a threatening environment on the other side.  Natives and non-Natives of fierce are present of the other side, as well as Eidolon influence and the presence of an icon. 
·                 Uther also sensed the presence of Edward, a cadet who graduated when he first entered the academy.  There are at least four non-native beings in close proximity to the door, who are not Eidolon infused, but the Eidolon is rapidly approaching.  The signals from the icons do not seem any stronger than at the academy.
·                 Cyra noted a small sense of Soto-sama, a ward of sorcery in the distance, and an extremely powerful sense of tiny pieces of the Eidolon.  She also got a sense of a place dedicated to a powerful Master of the Grand Stair who was not a Gossamer lord.
·                 Baudemagus unsealed the door with the instruction to go through quickly so he can seal the door, and use the icon to contact him to open the door again.

·                 There is a crashed ship shooting a beam toward an icon card.  There were four armored beings on the ground.  One was trying to recover the icon while the other three were shooting at flying Cyber-Naki shooting at them.
·                 Assieh identified that one of the flying entities is vulnerable.
·       Sturm went through the door first, stepped out of the doorway, and shot the identified entity with a plasma bolt.  He shot it through the head, and it plummeted out of the air as a tiny bolt of light flew out of its midsection.
·       Mena identified it as a piece of perfect Eidolon and grabbed at it to bring it to her.
·       Jane held back to assess the situation.
·       William edited one of the flying creatures to not have wings and flew off.
·       Uther entered and used his weapon to distract the enemies from the other team members.  Most of the Cyber-Naki landed and focused on him.  One, who looked different from the others, held back and directed two others toward the icon again.

·       They were assaulted by the Cyber-Naki.  Assieh, Jane, Mena were hit by kinetic weapons built into their armor.  Assieh's Umbra consumed her bullets.  Mena's Eidolon deflected all the shots.  Jane hid behind Sturm, who took the hits to protect her.  Jane then raised a protection of her own.
·       One of the two that were redirected back to icon reached out and a small torrent of lava onto one of the defenders whose armor disappeared and was reduced to ash.
·       It was clear to Sturm that the Cyber-Naki are intent on recovering the icon from the myriad defenders, whose corpses are lying all around.  Seven Cyber-Naki put the red type remain in the immediate vicinity, but ore are coming.
·       Off in the distance, Jane could see a tall intact structure to the east with multi-colored glass from which a lot of the Cyber-Naki are coming.  To the south, Jane could detect a sanctuary to the south of a Master of the Grand Stair.

·       Sturm shot the outcropping above the lava-shooting Cyber-Naki and buried it under tons of stone.
·       Jane grabbed the icon with blinding speed and returns for cover.
·       The Cyber-Naki that fell to the ground advance rapidly.  They drew Eidolon enhanced swords and fired their kinetic weapons.  the defenders abandoned their mech suits and tried to flee though the door, though it was closed again.  There are no three empty mech suits.
·       Uther continued to draw their fire.  He could see their their Eidolon Defense was focused to the front and detonates unexploded ordinance behind them and destroys them.
·       The Cyber-Naki returned fire and slaughtered the unarmored former defenders.  The team's defenses protected them.
·       Cyra noted a magical presence in the drone the icon is on and took it and then took cover.  Sturm determined that the drone had been flying around to prevent it from being targeted while sending its message.
·       William strengthened reality and one side of the building reappeared and was strengthened against the incoming Cyber-Naki assault.
·       Assieh determined that the light inside the red Cyber-Naki has no trace of Umbra in them.  She affected the environment around it to make it vulnerable.
·       Mena used Eidolon Mastery to make the liquid in it solid into a perfect statue, but she was unable to defeat its defense.

·       Mena's eyes suddenly became perfect and her brain was overcome by sensory blindness.  She sent Mindel to attack him physically.
·       Sturm sprinted to one end of the wall and saw the red attacking Mena with an Eidolon beam, but did not appear to hit him.  There was some tech protecting him, but the beam attack was suspended.
·       Uther assessed the escape options.  He determined that he could reassemble the drone to affect the team's escape from the engagement zone.
·       Jane retrieved the rifle that was next to the icon.
·       Cyra mind-blasted the red Cyber-Naki.  It then restarted and began shooting at the incoming Cyber-Naki.
·       William perfected the red Cyber-Naki's programming.  Sturm saw the tiny light fly off toward the southeast toward the Grand Stair Master's enclave.

·       Uther molded the downed drone into an escape vehicle.  The team mounted and prepared to depart.
·       There was a massive explosion and a building falls on top of several of the incoming flyers.
·       They travelled to the enclave and found a bizarre, white temple blending Asian mythology of demons and such, bearing an image of Soto-sama.  Around the building was a moat contain the sculptures of myriad hands. The image said that speaking inside the building attracts the Cyber-Naki, but they do not want to damage the structure.  The building has an almost perfect Eidolon presence.  The only Umbra present was in the pit of the damned.

·       Uther hypothesized that there might be another door in the building.  However he did not detect one.
·       Sturm stayed to defend Mena and Assieh.
·       Asssieh scryed impending danger.
·       Mena contacted Baudemagus and reported in.  He identified the temple and suggested using the tech to contact other members of the cohort.
·       Sturm detected the presence of an incoming cruise missile.  He grabbed Assieh and Mena and dragged them into the building.
·       Uther saw the missile hit and convert everything in the blast zone convert into perfect dust.  Then the little light flew off back to the southeast.
·       Inside the temple are scenes of popular heroes fighting their nemeses.  In the center of the building is a giant statue of a goddess where Buddha would normally be sitting.  Mena advised being respectful of Kenti Iomenta, the Lady of Silence, a fifth stage Usari.  She said that speaking within the temple attracted the cyber-naki.
·       Cyra hacked into the tech he took from the drone.  She identified that it was being used to broadcast the message to any other icons. 
·       Uther tried to send a message and determined that it was being blocked.  But he did detect a brief presence.  He detected no doors in the image he saw.
·       They went to one of the outbuildings to talk.  They discussed options.
·       From the top of the pagoda, they could see a flashing neon sign to the west saying "the Paralax" with an arrow pointing to a stair going down to a nightclub.  To the direct south was an amusement park where some of the rides were still functioning.  To the east was a large body of water with an aquarium and a water park on the top of the plateau.  Most of the surroundings look like a battle zone except for these things. 
·       Sturm hypothesized that a retreating army would go to the nightclub as it was underground.
·       According to the maps, there was a market south of the amusement part, but there was a symbol next to it in an unknown language.  They speculated that the aquarium might be used to grow food, that the amusement park indicated a functioning  power source.
·       Cyra prepared her spells and teleported the three mech suits back to the temple complex.  She noted a figure observing the suits before taking them.  Then she hacked the systems.  She heard a repeating message through the comm systems stating that a male speaker named Jonathan had been captured and was being held in the basement of the Hydrasteel building.  She assessed the authenticity of the message and determined that the frequency used was recognized by the suits as authentic from the legion.
·       Jonathan was the name of the cadet Uther had recognized from the door.
·       Cyra replied to the message and asked to report his condition.  Jonathan said that he was able to voice activate his comm unit and send the message, but that he was bound and that it was otherwise dark.  He asked what happened to his squad.  When asked of they normally take prisoners, he said that they used the prisoners for organic parts.  He said that it was not normal to bring prisoners to the Hydrosteel building.
·       Cyra followed the transmission and located the mech suit, which was located at the location of the Hydrosteel building and a level below Jonathan.
·       The mech suit had an escape plan programmed in.  It appeared to be prepared by Soto-sana.  It warned against making rescue attempts, but attempted anyway, to use the subbasement.  The same message was found in the suits the team had acquired.