Thursday, May 1, 2014

Transparency: 38 things Rite Publishing is working on and where we are at.


1.         Lost in Dream a novel in editing complete, front cover complete,  in layout waiting on back cover.

Miniature Game

1.       Miniature Game in development, playtesting, (on hold while we determine what WizKids/WotC are doing)

Dungeon World

1.         Missing Paths: Alchemist complete, needs character sheet and artwork.
2.        Missing Paths: #2 in development assigned to a Riter (A Rite Publishing Freelancer) 


1.         Pieces of Fate #2  Wyverns and Easter Dragons in editing (art complete)
2.        Pieces of Fate #3 not yet assigned.
3.         The Demolished Ones: Fly in the Ointment second draft stage

Lords of Gossamer & Shadow
  1. Lucien’s Guide: The Black Files manuscript and art complete, In editing . 
  2. Gossamer Worlds: Stratospheria manuscript and art complete, In editing 
  3. Addendum Iconic Characters in editing, art complete, needs small revision so they can be used as playtest characters.
  4. Nexopolis: In Editing, needs art and art descriptions
  5. Addendum Empathy: In Editing, needs art and art descriptions
  6. Icon Deck:  waiting on final art before final layout (4 pieces left),
  7. The Long Walk assigned to a Riter,  Author an artist working in tandem.
  8. Addendum: Shapeshifting assigned to a Riter
  9. Corebook Kindle and Nook versions in layout.
  10. No Beast So Fierce adventure by me, manuscript in development, art is complete.
  11. Discussion of sequel to The Long Walk.
  12. Discussion of Threats: Annunaki


  1.  In the Company of Dragons Playtest (ongoing)
  2. Pathways #38 will release today
  3. The Secrets of the Masked Reveler will release today
  4. Faces of the Tarnished Souk Kickstarter tomorrow is final day.
  5. Rite Map Pack: River Isle by Tommi Salama Retail release May 5th.
  6. Rite Map Pack: Ocean Cave by Tommi Salama Retail Release June 9th
  7. 101 Not So Random Encounters: Forest Kingdom  manuscript complete, art complete, in editing.
  8. #30 Mercenary Companies assigned manuscript complete, art complete, in editing
  9. Adventure Quarterly #6 manuscripts complete, in editing, waiting on art and art descriptions, mock layout (print)
  10. Martial Arts Guidebook waiting on art, manuscript finished and edited. (print)
  11. Haunted Quarter assigned to a Riter
  12. The Secrets of the Divine 2 with me writing
  13. Kaidan Campaign Setting in development assigned to a Riter and Me :)
  14. Questhaven Campaign Setting in development with me writing. 
  15. 20 Kaiju assigned to a Riter
  16. Treasury of Magic Items (working title) in layout (print)
  17. The Secrets of Renegade Archetypes 2 assigned to a Riter
  18. Ultimate Monsters Hero Lab (Book of Monster templates, 101 not so simple monster templates, 101 Monster Feats, 101 Variant Monsters etc.) assigned to the Rite Coder. 
  19. Adventure Quarterly #5 assigned to Rite Coder for, waiting on token art.