Lost in Dream
Illustration by Jason Rainville
One of Our Best
Years Ever!
This year
really fought hard to be out best year ever but it was just impossible to
surpass the success of the Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Kickstarter from
2013. It was however still an amazing
Here are some of our highlights:
We won an
ENnie award our first ever for The Demolished Ones (FATE). I can’t say enough
about the amazing folks who made this happen, but especially author Brian
We saw the
Lords of Gossamer & Shadow (Diceless) product line surpass our 3rd Party
Support for Pathfinder over all in terms of direct sales, as the core book has
become a very powerful evergreen product for us.
The big
geeky fanboy in me got to publish products by Matt Forbeck, Rob Donoghue, Cam
Banks, and Andrew Peregrine further strengthening the Lords of Gossamer &
Shadow (Diceless) product line.
Matt Banach
not only introduced an amazing line of products with our Gossamer Worlds
(Diceless) series, but also wrote our first novel (Lost in Dream), which we released this year.
We released
Lords of Gossamer & Shadow Icon Deck with some amazing artwork, and had a
successful Kickstarter for a second deck of NPC cards.
Just when I
thought the 3rd Party Publisher Pathfinder Roleplaying Game market
was slowing down In the Company of Dragons (PFRPG) by Wendall Roy comes along
and blows away all my expectations.
1001 Spells (PFRPG)
even 2 years later it is still our best selling product.
Book of
Monster Templates (PFRPG) went platinum on DriveThruRpg, our only product to
have done so.
Faces of the
Tarnished Souk: An Npc Collection (PFRPG) our largest book ever, with over 300
pages, is in the proofreading stage and we are planning to start fulfillment to
our Kickstarter backer’s next month.
We produced
another 12 issues of our free Pathways e-zine, bringing us to a total of #45 issues
so far.
We started a new product line the Rite Map Packs with cartography but the amazing Tommi Salama.
We continue
to have amazing success with our Hero Lab product support (Thanks Andrew!).
We continue
to be a part of the Bundle of Holding website and participated in two specials
there this year of which I was quite pleased (Thanks Allen).
We branched
out to support new product lines beyond PFRPG, FATE, and Diceless, we introduced products for Dungeon World, 13th
Age, and even 5th Edition using the OGL (in the same manner Goodman
Game used for 4th and 5th edition support).
We are now playtesting
the first Card Game we plan to publish!
We saw the fulfillment
on 4 different Kickstarters, and the successful launch of two others, one of
which is in proofing so we plan to start fulfillment next month.
Low Points:
But as
anyone will tell you, one cannot have peaks without valleys, and while Rite
Publishing’s victories far outnumber our failures we do have them, here they
Quarterly #6 (PFRPG): Although its very late, it is done, and it will release in
January. The lesson I learned here is that we have certain bottlenecks in our
production process, because I over rely on extremely talented people who always
deliver. Then when they have an issue beyond their control such as a death in
the family plus a medical issue, I wait to long to bring in a substitute to do
the work while they are out. I won’t do that again, but I hope I don’t run into
that kind of issue anytime son.
The Martial
Arts Guidebook (PFRPG): the book that has taught me never to use IndieAGoGo for
a Table Top Rpg Crowdfunding project, it
was an experiment and it failed and continued to fail. However it now has a
finished and edited manuscript, a mock
layout has been done, along with a new trade dress, we will be sending out art
descriptions to our lead artist next week and plan to release it in March/April
of 2015. This is our oldest project on
the books, and one I want it off my plate
Campaign Setting (PFRPG): my pet project saw only two major updates this year, this is
entirely my fault as I have spent too
much time and too little time writing. So I have set up one day a week where I
will be doing nothing but writing for this project, it is another one I want
off my plate.
Campaign Setting (PFRPG): I will never start a Kickstarter again without a finished
manuscript. This project is overdue, but we now have laid out, and art orders
made, we still have chapters though we are still awaiting some finished
chapters from the lead author (I have written a chunk of one chapter myself), again
this is my fault, and the fix is hiring freelancers to come in and assist the
lead writer.
The Long Walk: Life Along the Grand Stair: I had hoped to have this big diceless adventure/supplement for folks to play out by now, but its in editing, and will be out by April/May 2015 so I am quite happy with it right now.
Distribution: The collapse of our print/distribution partnership with Chronicle City, my failure to move right away into getting our books into the traditional distribution channels, something I plan to correct in the coming year.
My friend
and colleague Joshua “KTFish7” Gullion of AdventureAWeek.com died. He was an
awesome person who I miss talking to.
Did I
mention my company won an ENnie award!?
For the
third year in a row, I am living the dream, and get to do this as my day job!
The two
packed seminars I gave at Gencon!
I got my
work published in my favorite monster book the Advanced Bestiary (PFRPG) by
Green Ronin Publishing!!!
While at
GenCon this year I was hanging out with a fellow game designer/publisher who I
am a fanboy fan of, and whom I consider not only a mentor but a personal
friend, while walking back to our hotel he and his wife mentioned how proud
they were of me, and what I have accomplished. Damn but this room is dusty!
This year
reminded me why I started Rite Publishing, because I was ticked off at other publishers
for doing things wrong. I have learned many things since then, but I continue
to strive to do right by our customers, our freelancers, and by myself. I am
reminded every day of how lucky I am that I have a job I love and of how
successful we are both critically and commercially. I love every time I get to
talk to a freelancer, colleague, customer, reviewer, or fan. I even found a
perverse joy in firing an unreasonable customer because it was the right thing
to do.
This year
also reminded me of what I wanted Rite Publishing to become, and while I still
have goals that I have yet to achieve (like a stable form of traditional
distribution), I am very much where I wanted to be.
Thank all of
you for helping me get here!
Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing
Steven D. Russell
Rite Publishing